
How easy is Dragon Medical One to set up and use?

As a healthcare professional, you readily know that time is essential. Any hour, any minute spent on one task could be a minute spared for a patient. So, when you hear about Dragon Medical One’s dictation capabilities, two questions come to mind: is it useful, and how hard is it to set up?

Thankfully, the application is designed with time constraints in mind. After a five-minute (or less) installation process, you’re ready to go.

What is Dragon Medical One?

If you haven’t guessed already, Dragon is a dictation platform. Essentially, the software is installed on your Windows-based devices of choice and utilizes a sound capture device (a microphone, or even your mobile phone). Afterward, you dictate (speak) and the words are captured, converted to text, and pushed into your application of choice.

Dragon Medical One allows you to pick where the text goes. This can be a Word doc, email providers such as Gmail, or even an EHR/EMR system. Simply click into the desired location, activate the microphone, and start talking. 

Is it really that accurate?

An understandable question. After all, accuracy and error-free recording keeping are essential in a healthcare environment. Plus, text-to-speech and other dictation platforms aren’t known for their perfect accuracy.

But Dragon Medical One is as accurate as you need it to be. While it’s still crucial to have an exceptional audio capture device – such as the one present on a smartphone or high-quality mic – you can expect exact replications of your speech. That saves hours of essential time while handling onerous paperwork and allows professionals to better focus on patient care.

Professionals also have a robust set of customization options when using the software, so it can be fine-tuned over time to best suit the needs of a physician.

How long does it take to set up and use?

Within, and arguably, under five minutes. Dragon Medical One focuses on a zero-risk process by offering accessible trial versions for users. Once you install the software, which is designed for performance on all devices, you can start dictating right away.

There is no deep technical knowledge required or advanced skills necessary. Outside of a rare complication, it’s ready to go “out of the box.”

What’s the purpose of the Dragon dictation software?

As you can infer from the name, Dragon Medical One is aimed at clinicians. The dictation software is all about reducing redundant tasks, specifically related to record-keeping and the time associated with it. But, moreover, it’s centered on improving efficiency and healthcare across the board.

In medical environments, time is a precious thing. And yes, while diligent record-keeping is critical to make accurate diagnoses and treatment plans for patients, it’s only one small part of overall care. Doctors and physicians prefer a hands-on approach so they can get their patients in better health, and that’s always the centerpiece of Dragon One’s goal. The hours per day saved on paperwork can make the difference between some care and life-changing care.

How can I get started?

If you find yourself or your healthcare practice bogged down by mountainous levels of paperwork, Dragon dictation software is just what you need. You can get started within minutes by activating your trial account now.