
The biggest predicted healthcare changes for 2023

Healthcare trends to watch for in 2023

Creating a seamless healthcare system relies on adapting to changes and taking advantage of trends whenever possible. Thus, how will the medical world change in 2023? There’s a clear need for personalized, dynamic care – not only to save costs where possible but to improve patient outlook as well.

We’ll take a look at the predicted healthcare changes for 2023.

Primary Care Shortages and Retail Clinics

Emboldened by the serious difficulties faced during the COVID pandemic, patients abroad are looking for faster, versatile methods to better serve their healthcare needs. Thus far, retail healthcare clinics and providers have stepped in to fill this gap, and that’s only going to continue in 2023.

Retail-based health clinics have long been populated by big names such as Walmart, Amazon, and Walgreens, but it’s safe to say additional names will enter the space as Americans seek alternatives to their healthcare needs. That’s because retail providers grant appointments at a faster rate (often the same day), have virtual care options, and potentially cheaper prescription costs.

Remote Monitoring Devices/Wearables

The resulting strain from the COVID pandemic resulted in expanding demand for remote monitoring wearables, due to both time challenges and the onset of increasing chronic conditions. Professionals are therefore seeking any advantage to better respond to patient conditions, and wearables are filling the gaps. Remote monitor devices or tech that exists in this family are growing in use, due to their effectiveness and ease of use. It’s also a rapidly growing industry, with some estimates projecting it to be a 1.7 billion-dollar industry by 2025. For that reason, the rising trend is apparent.

Also, the need to monitor chronic problems has increased since the ongoing problems of COVID, which has lent to increased long-term symptoms and other medical complications. In other words, more patients will have a need for treatment paths that aid chronic medical problems.

Expanding Healthcare Costs

Healthcare prices are expected to rise, not just for patients, but within the industry. Some of it relates to late-term impacts from COVID caused by care delays, and others are from increased demand for staff, also due to delays caused by the pandemic.

There are other complications due to the delays as well. For instance, cancer screenings and preventive care were delayed, leading to a jump in demand for these appointments, and, potentially higher developments of cancerous and/or chronic conditions.

Remote and Virtual Care

Virtual options are another expected trend to see wide use in 2023. The advantages granted to both practitioners and patients are valuable for a variety of appointment options. For example, due to medical complications, distance, or even financial reasons, patients can choose virtual appointments with their doctors. Considering the expected rise in healthcare costs, any form of financial efficiency is a helpful benefit to doctors and patients.

Emphasis on Personalized Care

It’s expected that focused healthcare will take a dominant approach to overall patient health. Typically, patients will receive care based on a variety of factors, but there is a general strategy for common health conditions that can lead to overall reduced efficacy.

In 2023, however, the idea is to use data for health conditions to provide custom, improved care at a granular level. Patients can instead expect a personalized treatment path, customized to their particular needs and conditions. While two patients, for instance, may suffer from the same chronic condition, their health is not the same, and personalized care aims to uniquely aid them in improved outcomes and long-term stability.

How does Nuance fit into the picture?

As a host of trends ramp up for 2023, practitioners and medical organizations should seek out ways to take advantage of these potential changes. With an increased emphasis on treating chronic conditions, personalized care, and virtual options, tools that work cohesively with these trends are ideal.

Fortunately, Nuance has been ahead of the curve for a while with our dictation software. The Dragon Medical One dictation platform is widely utilized to cut down on redundancies and increase time spent with patients. Given that accessibility is a major predictor of how medical services will be provided in 2023, the software fits perfectly in this area of healthcare.

For example, Dragon Medical is the perfect companion for personalized care options. Accuracy in this category is essential since every patient will have their own unique needs and treatment paths. More so, by increasing the efficacy of appointments, doctors will have additional time for their patient’s needs.

Given the additional need for remote care and mobile accessibility, Dragon Medical One is a seamless addition to the software family. It takes advantage of PowerMic Mobile to transform Android and iOS devices into a mobile microphone capable of industry-leading accuracy, something that blends with virtual care options too.

Since patients and clinicians are seeking ways to save time and money, taking advantage of emergent trends for the 2023 year proves invaluable. Dragon Medical One is another asset for these changes.