
Dragon Medical One integrates seamlessly into IT infrastructure

How a dictation app lands in healthcare IT with frictionless introduction

IT budgets remain one of the biggest concerns and capital investments for businesses today. As a healthcare practice, they’re also a considerable part of your budget. IT plays a vital role in both patient care and daily operations, especially with evolving data security and data transparency requirements, so investing in this sector is wise. There is, however, a difference between “wise investment” and “out of control budget.”

Whenever new tech solutions, hardware, or software is integrated into a practice, those same budget concerns come up. What’s the cost of the new supplies? How long does it take to set up? Will there be downtime and training involved? Questions like those add up, as do the bills. For that reason, trying to neatly fit a new technological marvel into the practice is easier said than done. And, sometimes, it can’t be avoided. New innovations or necessary updates are part of IT structuring, so how can you make it cost effective?

The nature of budgeting IT depends on the business, but one method is taking advantage of cost-effective tools that accomplish a range of features. Enter Dragon Medical One, the medical dictation software fine-tuned for just that reason. Furthermore, it’s also ergonomic to your IT infrastructure, with minimal impact and agile onboarding.

How does Dragon Medical One integrate into my IT environment?

Let’s put aside the “tech talk” and actually make sense of what we mean by onboarding. In the case of IT, it’s when a new service or product is adopted for the business, such as a new software for accounting. It could also mean things like new IT policies or new hardware, such as computers, for faster processing. Part of onboarding is time, too, such as training for new processes as we mentioned, time related to installation, and time for budgeting.

Dragon Medical One is a dictation software as you know, and its ability to limit onboarding time is its real strength. Furthermore, whenever new hardware or software enters the practice, security and IT checks are necessary. Checks such as what the new hardware is compatible with, does it interfere with other process, is it secure, and other critical questions related to IT fit that criterion. The more complex a system is, the harder it is to integrate and onboard.

But that’s the strength of the Dragon dictation software, it’s virtually seamless with limited setup necessary, saving on time and circumventing concerns about excessive IT integration burden. Because of that, it can easily fold into a medical practice’s IT budget.

Considering that IT budgets expand in cost per annum, and that the average IT budget for a small business stands at approximately 5 million, reducing expenses anywhere is important.

But is Dragon Medical One secure?

As we’ve discussed before in other articles, Dragon Medical One is secure and HIPAA-compliant. Considering the cost and regulatory penalties associated with violating cybersecurity concerns and data management, this is simply less stress for you and something that’s easier to integrate into your practice.

What about integration difficulties?

We’ve discussed onboarding, so how does that play into our dictation software and your IT teams/infrastructure? Is there a lengthy training process involved or expensive integration with current resources?

Not at all. The point of our dictation software is to “hit the ground running,” meaning it’s ready to go within minutes of installation. It doesn’t need multiple programs on different systems to work, unless you want it to. That’s useful, given doctors and healthcare professionals do their recording during and after visits. Because of the emphasis on accessibility, there’s no additional requirements for new hardware.

It’s cost effective for medical practices too. No downtime for setup, no additional purchases for software or computer systems, and no long-term training needed. The short of it is, the Dragon Medical One dictation software is ready to go in as little as five minutes.

The short answer, then, is yes, this medical dictation software is ready for a no-friction addition to your current healthcare infrastructure and IT.

Start your risk-free trial and start saving two or more hours per day after a five-minute install process.