
Dragon Medical One helps address staff and physician shortages

As physicians lose human resources, dictation software fills the gaps

A dreadful problem continues to creep into the healthcare industry. Staff shortages and physician burnout present serious challenges in the medical world. We’ve discussed burnout before, but shortages are another unique and perilous difficulty healthcare professionals face. The complications created by shortages are numerous, such as delays, inadequate care, and inability to address health problems.

How can we confront physician shortages? That’s a big question involving overhauls of the healthcare system in general. Additionally, other factors like population growth in the US outpacing the number of available physicians add to the shortage problem, coupled with experts in their field retiring. These small but critical aspects lead to a loss of human resources in critical resources. More so, burnout – as we’ve mentioned – adds to the problem.

We at Dragon Medical One can’t manifest a new field of professionals, but, we can help address the staff shortages with powerful dictation software. While certain complications of staff shortages are beyond general control, like retirement and population, providing assets to healthcare workers is a way to assist with burnout.

The critical benefits of dictation software

Dragon Medical One has refined our dictation app as an industry-leading platform. Paperwork and record-keeping have emerged as some of the biggest time consumers in a healthcare environment, forcing practitioners to spend more time at the desk than desired.

One study in 2020, for example, revealed that doctors and healthcare professionals averaged 16 minutes per patient on paperwork. On its own, that doesn’t sound so bad. But expanded to multiple patients across multiple days, and now, doctors are spending significant amounts of time on medical paperwork. Combined with the various issues we mentioned above, you can see why a problem of time and burnout are growing issues.

But it’s made worse by staff shortages. Those shortages exacerbated all the listed complications, and create a cycle of burnout. That’s why medical professionals need expert tools to assist them where possible, and dictation software is just for that.

The motto is “spend $5 and save 2 hours,” every day. That additional 2 hours is more time for patients, medical work, or just space to address other challenges quickly. Given that the general average for patients is around 16 minutes, that is potentially 7 patients to see in a given timeframe.

Helping with staff shortages

Physicians rely on staff to address patient concerns, ranging from paperwork, administering medicine, and prepping said patient(s) for visits. In the instance of shortages, however, these tasks are harder to accomplish.

Dictation software, specifically Dragon Medical One’s capture platform, is like having a secondary expert on hand to actively record and track patient visits. That’s because they can record patient details

For example, some medical professionals have nurses or assistants with them during patient visits to actively take notes (or record conversations). But, with Dragon medical software, that isn’t always necessary, especially if said assistants are not available.

Given shortages and burnout problems, healthcare professionals need as many advantages and resources available to them. Dragon Medical One readily accomplishes this with industry-leading accuracy and more.

To learn more about Dragon Medical One, contact us today.