Staying ahead by expanding CME with Dragon Medical One

The nature of medicinal treatment is always advancing, be it new surgical processes, technologies, or medications. To remain competitive and compliant, physicians need to stay up-to-date with each development. But that goes beyond incorporating new healthcare infrastructure or adding staff. It’s recommended doctors continue their educational path to avoid falling behind the curve. All fields […]
What does the modern healthcare practice look like

Modernization in healthcare is important to keep up with grueling demands We’ve talked about the nature of legacy infrastructure and its role in healthcare, discussing the impact old hardware, systems, and tech has on the care quality of a patient environment. Because of those problems, practices are rapidly transforming into a modern model capable of […]
Strengthening patient trust with Dragon Medical One

In the medical industry, nothing is more important than the trust between the patient and the caretaker. Patients seek help when they’re vulnerable. Emergencies, sicknesses, or chronic conditions put them in critical states. They cannot treat their symptoms, so naturally, they need professional assistance. It’s a serious level of trust to place in a medical […]
Overcoming EHR challenges with dictation software

Electronic Health Records (or EHR) have proven fundamentally invaluable in the medical space thanks to their versatility, ease of access, and widespread use for patients and doctors. But even as an agile utility, electronic health records present various challenges. Adoptions into legacy infrastructure coupled with communication errors between healthcare organizations, for example, is just a […]
When is it time to upgrade your legacy infrastructure?

The healthcare world is reliant on infrastructure and technology, both for patient care and documentation purposes. Depending on the practice, this hardware can be straightforward and practical. PCs to schedule appointments, devices to transcribe encounter documentation, and places to store visit data, physical or otherwise. The thing is, some practices get stuck in a comfort […]
Dragon Medical One helps address staff and physician shortages

As physicians lose human resources, dictation software fills the gaps A dreadful problem continues to creep into the healthcare industry. Staff shortages and physician burnout present serious challenges in the medical world. We’ve discussed burnout before, but shortages are another unique and perilous difficulty healthcare professionals face. The complications created by shortages are numerous, such […]
Rural medical networks face continued mounting challenges

When we discuss hospital networks, doctors, and clinician needs, you imagine a busy practice or hospital in a town or city. But often overlooked are rural hospital networks stationed in less populated areas, sometimes the only emergency and medical service available for dozens of miles. These rural health systems often face different challenges than their […]
Overtime is a rising issue with increasingly burdened healthcare staff

Why healthcare workers are burning the candle at both ends These days, healthcare practitioners bring the work home with them after an excruciating set of shifts. Coupled with unrealistic expectations for nurses, physicians, and healthcare workers – combined with growing medical demands – these factors push professionals into overtime. Overtime which, in many cases, is […]
6 Ways to Empower Your Healthcare Practice in 2023

Here are 6 ways to improve your medical practice for patient care in 2023 Healthcare practitioners can always find ways to readily improve their healthcare practice and by association the long-term health outcome of their patients. However, it is not always clear what results should be focused on, even with the best intentions. To aid […]
Can dictation software improve one-on-one patient care?

As a healthcare provider, you readily understand the importance of patient care. Provider-to-patient care is a critical component of long-term health – it’s meant to help a patient feel comfortable and acknowledged, while simultaneously seeking out treatment paths for their medical complications. Given how intimidating healthcare can be – not even addressing the costs – […]