8 Reasons to Consider Dragon Medical One Dictation Software

The medical world and healthcare industry are only growing more tumultuous. With intense demands on professionals to both meet patient needs and administrator responsibilities, maintaining a functional practice proves challenging. Therefore, it’s common for professionals to rely on tools and resources to aid their caretaking abilities. Dictation software, namely Dragon Medical One, is one such invaluable asset. […]
Fixing Common Audio and Recording Problems for Dictation

Dragon Medical One prides itself on being the best when it comes to audio accuracy. We understand the necessity for accurate dictation feedback when recording or working with patients. But even with said accuracy, room for audio and recording problems still exists. As you take advantage of our dictation software, you may run into audio […]
When it’s time to switch dictation software

Don’t settle for low performance or poor accuracy As a healthcare professional, you readily know the challenges experienced in a medical environment. One of the biggest redundant hurdles is the practice of maintaining and keeping records is a time-consuming aspect of the job. Naturally, no clinician wants to spend hours on patient records when time […]
The biggest healthcare challenges and how Dragon Medical One can help

Of the numerous difficulties and challenges facing the healthcare sector, specific pain points take prominence. Common in every aspect of patient care and treatment, the major areas regarding healthcare challenges involve cost, equity in care, technological shortcomings, and provider shortages. These are daunting, even for large-scale healthcare organizations. Private medical practices also risk falling behind, […]
Dragon Medical One for personal use and private medical practices

While the Dragon Medical One dictation software sees widespread use in healthcare organizations, it’s also a good fit for smaller medical practices. The goal of the software is to capture spoken dictation as accurately as possible within a medical context, and thus greatly beneficial to doctors and hospitals. But those running a private medical practice […]
Considerations of switching to Dragon Medical One

What stops Chief Medical Officers from integrating DMO services and how to overcome them Maintaining pace with the modern demands of healthcare is incredibly challenging. Chief medical officers are tasked with onboarding services, tech, and staff to readily meet these demands in a timely fashion. But the barriers to any form of integration (updating legacy […]
Legacy healthcare infrastructure is more hazardous than you realize

While familiarity is understandable in the healthcare sector, it creates more problems than solutions in the long term. Legacy infrastructure – an umbrella term for outdated services, tech, and policies – is not just a performance concern, but a time one too. Time is already a strained resource in the healthcare sector, with clinicians and […]
What are the biggest operational costs for your medical practice?

It’s no mystery that healthcare is an expensive venture in the United States. The cost of healthcare services has increased incrementally for over a decade with no signs of slowing. Even with laws designed to reduce expenses and expand insurance coverage, Americans that live paycheck-to-paycheck struggle to maintain routine care with their primary provider. In […]
Competitive strategies for private medical practices

The nature and landscape of medical care are changing with a greater emphasis on digital access and cost efficiency. Large-scale organizations are set to become major players in the healthcare business, such as Amazon’s acquisition of One Medical, further shaping how we access treatment with providers. Furthermore, smaller medical practices have inherent costs that larger […]
Renovate your clinic with Practice Management Software

Have you considered using practice management software for your medical organization? If not already, management software is a great way to renovate the patient-to-doctor experience with data management tools, invoicing systems, and communication options. Larger hospital networks normally maintain their versions of PM software or use third-party vendors. That said, PM software is a good […]