
As the pandemic continues, what resources can medical professionals use?

Dictation software intervenes in an ongoing pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic took an enormous toll on the US healthcare system and public, causing thousands of deaths and resulting in one of the worst health crises we’ve seen in modern years. Shutting down public infrastructure and calling need for health mandates, it placed unprecedented strain and difficulties on medical infrastructure.

And it’s not over.

COVID cases routinely crop up but go severely under-reported, and the general narrative is that the pandemic is over and a distant memory. But COVID is far from over, and while cases of certain strains are on the decline, Coronavirus still presents a serious concern. When given the appropriate environment – such as crowded areas with little to no mask coverage – cases spike, and those affected are left hospitalized when not fully vaccinated.

Severe complications and lethargic handling of the COVID response got us here, caused by a dismissive attitude towards the disease, anti-vaccine myths, and the mutation of other COVID variants, such as omicron. All of this has led to an overwhelmed medical system which was not prepared nor provided the resources to mitigate the infection rate of the Coronavirus.

What it means for healthcare professionals

In the medical industry, you’re all-too familiar with the impact COVID had on medical infrastructure, and still does. The continued infection rate of COVID means medical practices are hit hard, causing widespread burnout, fatigue, and draining the limited resources of healthcare.

Since the pandemic, the resources and assistance to doctors, nurses, and hospitals has been insufficient, limiting their ability to treat high infection rates. And, due to severe burnout coupled with regular emergency and medical care, facilities across the US deal with staff and resource shortages. The uneasy prospect of facing down a continued pandemic and the potential for worse health emergencies looms on the horizon, begging the question: how long can we reasonably hold out?

There’s a limit to everything, and medical professionals are only human. Pushing them to their limits on a daily basis is simply unfeasible.

Today, even as the pandemic has slowed, shortages and other stress factors have created a difficult medical environment to navigate. How can professionals provide the best care when burnt out and stressed from past and current demands?

Using every advantage available

Because clinicians, nurses, physicians, and doctors are all hard pressed to provide optimal care despite critical conditions, they need every advantage available to them.

Dragon Medical One aims to help fill those time-consuming gaps with responsive dictation software. As you readily know, documentation has grown in demand in the medical realm, along with the need to secure it and record encounters accurately. That’s why professionals turn to dictation software, allowing them to verbally track patient data. Or, dictate other documentation as needed.

Given that the physical documentation process can often take hours, anything that dramatically cuts down on tedious, repetitive tasks is beneficial. Dictation software, specifically Dragon Medical One, does this in spades. It provides an accessible, secure platform to accurately record patient info, turning hours of work into minutes. Since every second is precious in a pandemic strained environment, you can already imagine the benefits. Less time in one place is more time addressing the concerns of patients, enacting care, and helping more people.